How to find your unique, authentic style, energy, and "vibe"


As an entrepreneur, finding your unique style and “vibe” will help you stand out from the crowd and connection authentically with your people.

But sometimes we aren’t exactly sure what our authentic style is! Don’t worry… there are clues right under your nose :)

Catch the video below, and then read on for a simple way to unearth your true, uniquely authentic style, vibe, and energy.

This is for you if:

  • You’re feeling torn between multiple aesthetics and visual styles for your brand, business, or voice

  • You feel lost in the crowd, unable to stand out and connect on a deep level with likeminded people who are excited about your offer and content

  • You’re doubting you have what it takes to succeed in you field, like deep down you don’t fit in.


Did you catch the video? Excellent! Then you’re caught up on why it’s so sometimes hard to pinpoint our genuine style… and how to get around that resistance to find the very deepest, most authentic you :)

So, here’s the process to apply what you learned…

1. Your beacons

Grab a sheet of paper or a page in your journal, and write down everything you can think of that resonated with you as a child or teenager!

Be mindful not to control, censor, or edit what you write down… instead, simply look and see, non-judgmentally, what actually spoke to you back then – even if you couldn’t understand why. Even if it seems silly to you. Write it all down in one place!

Categories to think about:

  • Movies

  • Books

  • TV shows

  • Songs

  • Musicals

  • Images

  • Places

  • Poems

  • Fictional characters

  • Historical figures

  • Colors

  • Animals

  • Etc.

For example, some of my beacons: The Last Unicorn (movie), A Ring of Endless Light (novel), The Phantom of the Opera (musical), “Belle, Reprise” (song), Sailor Moon (TV show), Rosemary Beach (place), Wall-E (movie), Final Fantasy VI and VII (video games), “Latika’s Theme” (music), riding the train between Paris and London with Mom (an experience), dolphins (animal), Degas ballerina paintings (art), The Buddha (historical figure), etc.


My free gift to you:

Elevate & Align Journal & Planner

Elevate and Aligned Journal

Find a cozy spot, and your favorite drink — and let’s bring your business back into alignment with who you are, where you’re headed, and what matters most to you in this next chapter!

2. Find the threads

Step back and look at everything you wrote down… what patterns do you see? Maybe there are common themes, emotions, feelings, story lines, character traits, colors, shapes… there’s no limit to what your beacons might have in common.

Write these down, letting your curiosity lead you deeper and deeper.

For example, a few patterns in my beacons: Feeling alone and out of place in this world; Immense inner strength and power masked by outer gentleness; Soul-level connections between unlikely friends (themes); Sorrow, compassion, longing for more, craving adventure (emotions); Water, cerulean, organic elements, wings, textures (visuals)

3. Look in the hidden places

Maybe you look at these common themes, ideas, and threads, and feel pure excitement and joy about each and every thing on your list!

Or maybe you feel a bit anxious about what people would think if they knew what you truly loved… and that is okay, too.

Have you ever shared something you loved with someone, only to have them criticize it, belittle it, or pick it apart? They just can’t understand why you could love it so much. Maybe they said it was sappy, feminine, weird, vague, childish, gross, or something else.

For example, my college Painting professor once told me my style was “saccharine” and overly sweet, because it was so delicate and feminine and not edge-y enough. I took this comment to heart, thinking for years that there was something wrong with my personal taste! I almost forgot what I actually liked, until I did this exercise and reconnected with my true personal style.

This is the time to handle your heart and inner child with care, and be accepting of the things you instinctively like. They will give you clues about your unique style and aesthetic!

So what if it’s feminine? So what if it’s bright, colorful, and bold? So what if it’s a bit weird or quirky? You like what you like for a reason, and now is the time to let your beacons shine for you.

4. See the connections

By now you may start to naturally see some common themes echoing in the work you do in your business. It may feel a bit awkward at first, but let your imagination play with the threads you’ve uncovered, and see how and where they tie into your work…

For example, so many characters among my beacons feel misunderstood and alone… but ultimately discover that their difference is what gives them unique power. This theme emerges in the work I do with my clients, supporting them in seeing and unearthing their own hidden superpowers and strengths.


I hope this exercise helps you uncover and discover your own unique personal style and taste! Know that some of my clients and community members LOVE this exercise, and some just don’t connect with it as much. And that’s okay :)

What matters most is being honest with yourself about what you like… not editing or censoring yourself, or trying to choose things you think anyone else will find acceptable.

By embracing what you truly love, unapologetically and without judgement, you will find your way home to your true self and the beautiful, one-of-a-kind personal energy you have to share with the world.

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